====== Interceraptor ======
interested=[[user:EDITME]]\\ [[user:EDITME]]|
~> listener (1) -> intercept (2) -> filter (3) -> real server (4)
<~ listener (8) <- intercept (7) <- filter (6) <- real server (5)
* socks
* forwarding
* custom routing table
* generate SSL cert per host
* for android emulator generate SSL cert according to the real target cert
* select custom CA
* accept HTTP and redirect to HTTP (arbitrary host via routing table (per host filter))
Intercept (all operations are bidirectional):
* hand examination/modification
* automatic data modification
* (intercept is a special filter)
* response normalization. custom rules that defines which request means that the file does (not) exists
* cookie jar
* active session maintaining
* Throttle (max requests per time ...)
* data parsing (nonce extraction. VIEWSTATE)
* time analysis for request-response (show the delta)
Vulnerability discovery:
* http protocol fuzzing / content discovery (files, directories, http parameters)
* inner protocol fuzzing (JSON, XML, REST, SOAP)
Data manipulation:
* base64
* hex/ascii
* data validation (html-tidy, json validator, xml validator)
==== GUI ====
* HTML5 rest client
==== module ====
=== dataflow ===
- c-s input match
- c-s perform action (modify input / invoke external script or whatever)
- c-s send data
- s-c recieve data
- s-c match output
- s-c perform final action
data flow direction:
c-s -- client to server
s-c -- server to client
=== module interconnection ===
* do it like they do it in apache mod_rewrite rules
===== roadplan =====
- accept HTTP connection, redirect to SLL service, rule match per HTTP.host
- accept SSL connection, fake SLL.CommonName by the target service
===== performance =====
* multithread
* fast backend without gui
* ability to cancel pending request
* each tab can be separated to standalone window
* window plugin-like eclipse/netbeans/visalstudio...
===== scanner =====
* passive
* active
===== schemas =====
{{ :project:img_20130223_181909.jpg?direct&900 |Thread schema}}
{{ :project:img_20130302_163117.jpg?direct&900 |Rules outline}}
{{ :project:img_20130302_170003.jpg?direct&900 |Core REST interface}}
===== references =====
* http://code.google.com/p/raft/
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7FYHaRztWw
* https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project
* http://portswigger.net/burp/proxy.html
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDVIcW7TZVw
* http://vimeo.com/43659037
* www.fiddler2.com
* http://proxies.xhaus.com/java/