Prague Geek Calendar

Prague Geek Calendar
founder: pasky
depends on:
software license:
hardware license:

~~META: status = planned &relation firstimage = :project:scical.jpg ~~

Create and continuously maintain a calendar of interesting events happenning in Prague, concerning science, technology and geek culture. Google Calendar might be the most suitable platform. Should be primarily in Czech (except for foreign-language lectures and such).

Caveat: The calendar should not get too crowded with events that aren't really on-topic. It's nice if you want to tell the world about something really cool but if it's not clearly on-topic, you should find a different place for it. :-)

Proof of Concept

Random collection so far. C.f. also the calendar at Events for brmlab and brmlab-related events. Feel free to add more events! Just click edit.

<gcal mode=month pages=(project:scical) compact>

<gcal mode=month pages=(project:scical) compact offset=1>

Event Ideas

Long-term Events

Zajímavé výstavy a expozice s vědeckou a technologickou tematikou; na to se Google Calendar tolik nehodí, je třeba vymyslet, v jaké formě tomu bude nejlépe a jak to vhodně provázat.